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Интересные события этой недели

1 марта, пятница

Экскурсия (английский). Grand Central and Its Neighborhood Tour. Street-level atrium, 120 Park Ave. 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm. 212-883-2420.

Конференция. Andy Warhol After Pop. New School, Johnson/Kaplan Hall, 66 W. 12 St., room A106. 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm. 212-229-5600. Регистрация: https://events.newschool.edu/event/andy_warhol_after_pop?utm_campaign=Lang+Events&utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter

Мастер-класс. Photography Storytelling. Tompkins Square Library, 331 E. 10 St. 1:00 pm. 212-228-4747.

Лекция. Failing Upward: The Open Secret of Progress in Science, with Nobel Laureate Martin Chalfie. Columbia University, Teachers College, 525 W. 120 St., Milbank Chapel. 2:00 pm. 212-854-7211.

Обсуждение. Invisible Targets: Women and Drugs in the Criminal Justice System. New School, University Center, 63 Fifth Ave., room UL104. 4:00 pm. 212-229-5600. Регистрация: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/invisible-targets-women-and-drugs-in-the-criminal-justice-system-tickets-56505520533

Вернисаж. To New York with Love: Remembering Jonas Mekas. Columbia University, Dodge Hall, 2960 Broadway, Leroy Neiman Gallery. 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm. 212-854-1754.

Вернисаж. Gallery Galerie Galería: An International Collaboration. Jack Barrett Gallery, 173 Henry St. 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm. 347-377-2764.

Демонстрация фильма. The Rest I Make Up (2018): American Theater's 'Mother Avant-Garde'. New School, Johnson Design Center, 66 Fifth Ave., room N101. 6:00 pm. 212-229-5600.

Концерт. Internationally renowned pianist of Caribbean and African descent. Third St. Music School, 235 E. 11 St. 7:00 pm. 212-777-3240. Регистрация:  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/livesounds-2018-19-tickets-50359116473?ref=ebtn

2 марта, суббота

Обсуждение. Twenty-six: Photographs as Text. Baxter St. at CCNY, 128 Baxter St. 11:00 am. 212-260-9927.

Мастер-класс. Resume Renovation. Science, Industry and Business Library (SIBL), Conference Room 018, 188 Madison Ave. 11:00 am - 12:30 pm. 917-275-6975.

Мастер-класс. New York City Food History - Restaurants: Eating and Experimenting. Jefferson Market Library, 425 Avenue of the Americas. 3:00 pm. 212-243-4334. Регистрация: https://www.nypl.org/events/programs/2019/02/16/new-york-city-food-history

Открытый микрофон. Poetry reading. Riverside Library, 127 Amsterdam Ave. 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm. 212-870-1810.

Вернисаж. Courting Incoherence: Remaking the Real. Lyons Wier Gallery, 542 W. 24 St. 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm. 212-242-6220.

Перформанс. Improvisational comedy, played as a sport. Broadway Comedy Club, 318 W. 53 St. 6:00 pm - 7:15 pm. $20.

Классическая музыка. Piano works by Mozart, Debussy, Scriabin and more. Kaufmann Concert Hall at 92Y, Lexington Ave. 8:00 pm. $53.

3 марта, воскресенье

Экскурсия (английский). Bloomingdale Neighborhood Walking Tour. Hostelling International, 891 Amsterdam Ave. 1:00 pm. 212-666-9774. Регистрация: info@columbusamsterdambid.org

Демонстрация фильма. House of Usher (1960): Horror movie based on Edgar Allen Poe's tale. Inwood Library, 4790 Broadway. 2:00 pm. 212-942-2445.

Классическая музыка. Afternoon Organ Meditations. Grace Church, 802 Broadway. 4:00 pm - 4:45 pm. 212-254-2000.

Классическая музыка. Bach Vespers. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 3 W. 65 St. 5:00 pm. 212-877-6815.

Классическая музыка. Piano works. Nicholas Roerich Museum, 319 W. 107 St. 5:00 pm. 212–864–7752.

Перформанс. Theater: a personal story of challenges and triumph, "the true spirit of Fringe", "raw, authentic, beautiful". IATI Theater, downstairs, 64 E 4 St. 6:50 pm. $12.

Демонстрация фильма. Archiving Disappearing Worlds and World Views: Chinese Independent Documentary. Columbia University, Butler Library, 535 W. 114 St., room 203. 7:00 pm. 212-854-1754.

Классическая музыка. Carnegie Hall: piano works by Prokofiev, Mussorgsky, Granados. Zankel Hall at Carnegie Hall, Seventh Ave. 7:30 pm. $20.

4 марта, понедельник

Мастер-класс. Morning Meditation. Battery Park, 6 River Terrace. 9:45 am. 212-267-9700.

Демонстрация фильма. Haiku on a Plum Tree (2017): Documentary on the Price of Refusing Mussolini. NYU, Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò, 24 W. 12 St. 6:30 pm. Регистрация: https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07eg06qz428fbf6d12&oseq=&c=&ch=

Обсуждение. Songs of Bukovina: A Conversation with American Ballet Theatre's Alexei Ratmansky, former director of the Bolshoi Theater's Ballet. Lincoln Center, David Rubenstein Atrium, Broadway и 62 St. 7:00 pm. 212-721-6500.

5 марта, вторник

Опера. Susanna: First Part Of The Oratorio By Handel. St. Paul’s Chapel, 209 Broadway. 1:00 pm. 212-539-8500.

Мастер-класс. Learn How to Make Tax-Smart Retirement Plans. Science, Industry and Business Library (SIBL), Conference Room 018, 188 Madison Ave. 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm. 917-275-6975.

Лекция. Black and White with Red Sauce: Spaghetti alla Tarantino. NYU, Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò, 24 W. 12 St. 6:30 pm. Регистрация:  https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventRegoeidk=a07eg3pnuub49442cbf&oseq=&c=&ch=

Демонстрация фильма. Scenes Through the Cinema Lens: Happy Birthday, Nat King Cole. BMCC Tribeca Performing Arts Center, 199 Chambers St. 7:30 pm. 212-220-8000.

6 марта, среда

Мастер-класс. Figure Drawing Workshop. Battery Park, 6 River Terrace. 2:30 pm. 212-267-9700. Регистрация: registration@bpca.ny.gov

Обсуждение. Workers and Wages in America Today - Featuring Nobel-Winning New York Times Columnist Paul Krugman. CUNY Graduate Center, 365 Fifth Ave., room C200. 6:30 pm. Регистрация: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/workers-and-wages-in-america-today-tickets-55380691138

Обсуждение. The Raw Truth About Cooking. American Museum of Natural History, 77 St. и Central Park West, вход с 81 St. 7:00 pm. 212-769-5100. Регистрация: https://ticketing.amnh.org/#/event/215168

Классическая музыка. The Winter Road: A Slavic Celebration. Barnard College, 3009 Broadway Sulzberger Parlor, 3 Floor, Barnard Hall. 8:00 pm. 212-854-5262.

7 марта, четверг

Опера. Susanna: Second Part Of The Oratorio By Handel. St. Paul’s Chapel, Broadway и Fulton St. 1:00 pm. 212-602-0800.

Чтения. Literature Workshop: What's New in American Poetry 2018-19. Mid-Manhattan Library at 42 St., 476 Fifth Ave. 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm. 212-340-0863.

Обсуждение. Roma and Contemporary Mexican Cinema. CUNY Graduate Center, 365 Fifth Ave., room 1218. 4:00 pm. Регистрация: bildner@gc.cuny.edu.

Вернисаж. Off Balance: Feminine Forms and Minimalistic Ones. Ceres Gallery, 547 W. 27 St., Suite 201. 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm. 212-947-6100.

Вернисаж. Open Kimono: Photos of China and Japan. Chambers Fine Art, 522 W. 19 St. 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm. 212-414-1169.

Лекция. Delectable Venice: Desiring and Encountering 'La Serenissima' Through Cuisine and Cinema. NYU, Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò, 24 W. 12 St. 6:30 pm. Регистрация: https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07eg06tx2sc0ba34e6&oseq=&c=&ch=

Обсуждение. Rape Culture and Sexual Violence in the Arts. Gibney Dance: Agnes Varis Performing Arts Center, 280 Broadway. 6:30 pm. Регистрация: https://gibneydance.secure.force.com/ticket/#sections_a0F4400000VvGotEAF

Опера. Artemisia: Life of the Female Italian Painter. St. Paul’s Chapel, Broadway и Fulton St. 7:00 pm. 212-602-0800.

Театрализованная постановка. The Feigned Courtesans: 1679 Comedy by Aphra Behn. New School, Theater at the School of Drama, 151 Bank St. 7:00 pm. Регистрация: https://ticketcentral.com/Online/default.asp?doWork::WScontent::loadArticle=Load&BOparam::WScontent::loadArticle::article_id=FDF18224-321E-4507-96E5-7083C4656C27

Классическая музыка. Works by Respighi and Beethoven. Lincoln Center, David Rubenstein Atrium, Broadway и 62 St. 7:30 pm. 212-721-6500.

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